Where The Cow's End Up
Saturday Singalong at Books and Cookies
Books and Cookies is one of our favorite spots in town, and they have tons of great activities (including music class with Polly!). If you need to interject a little bit of Interesting into your week, check out their event calendar! Our show on December 10 was super duper fun and we are donating 100% of our tips from the show (about $100) to Ocean Park Community Center. We are excited to join their lineup of Saturday morning fun and hope to see you there on January 21!
What a cool place!
Ring, ring - it's for you!
Andrew tries to get a clearer signal on his Bananaphone!
Great turnout.
Enthusiastic crowd!
Brushing our teeth.
Goofy goofy people.
We brought our Glockenspiel!
Wheels on the bus...
Sun comes out and dries up all the rain.
What other kinds of spiders can we have?
Post Sing-a-long instrument play.
Don't forget, buy our CD!
Great Big Hairy Spiders at Children's Book World
We had a ton of fun playing at Children's Book World on November 5. Come sing with us there on February 25th and March 17, 2012! Andrew is being a Great Big Hairy Spider! Polly is trying to make her voice sound very low.
Andrew thinks dogs should be on our bus.
We love to let the kids explore our instruments.
Letting our friends play the instruments makes music fundamentally accessible. You don't have to be special to play an instrument, y ou just have to want to!
One of our shy-ish friends and his dad are checking out Andrew's accordion!
10/22 Show at Skylight Books
Please, please, please, please come sing with us at Skylight Books on October 22 at 3:00PM. The show is FREE, donations encouraged, and sponsored by The Ashgrove. First up is the incomparable UNLCE RUTHIE!!!!
1818 N. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027 Tel: (323) 660-1175
Abbot Kinney Festival!
We're playing the Tot Stage on the Kids Quad at the Abbot Kinney Festival on Sunday, September 25 at 4:30 PM. See you there!